Thursday, August 7, 2008

Principle 7

August 7, 2008- Principle 7 in Celebrate Recovery says,"Reserve a daily time with God for self examination, Bible readings and prayer in order to know God and his will for my life and to gain the power to follow His will". Sounds like a plan. Look to get to know someone, it takes getting together and talking. If you and I agree to meet every day at a coffee shop(any coffee shop will do), but we agree to meet at 9:00a.m. and you show up some days and others I just sit and wait, and wait, then eventually what do you think my opinion of how you view our friendship would be? Often, we do that with our prayer life. We show up when we're in trouble, or when time allows, but other times it's a no call, no show, situation. Prayer is where we get to know God intimately. It's not just a place to give Him our grocery list of worries and problems, but our place to get close to Him. That's where the power comes from, that's where the life change happens. And the thing is, we don't have to be showy with it either. The Lord says in Matt. 6:5-15 that we should be intimate, focal, and sincere, then he will reward openly for what's done in secret. So remember our daily coffee shop moments with the Lord and our lives will line up with His will.

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