Wednesday, September 10, 2008

God's Team

September 10, 2008- Looking forward to the leadership meeting tonight. We are going through some material from Pastor's staff teaching on leadership and teamwork. We are going over 3 Core values in ministry and I just thought I'd go over them for anyone who has a hunger for ministry and leadership.
  • Winning Teams develop Trust... There are two key factors in trust...

a. consistency- being consistent is key because it insures stability.

b. loyalty- Loyalty shows that you follow the vision, hopefully because you know it came from God.

  • Winning Teams have a good Attitude... When the roots grow deep the fruit is displayed outwardly.
  • Winners represent the T.E.A.M. well...


a. Integrity

b. Character

c. People Skills

d. Growth

I am truly excited about what God is doing with our church and throughout the world by using 21st century apostles that aren't afraid to speak truth. My prayer is that God ignite a fire in me every day for all those who don't know Him!

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