Monday, October 6, 2008


October 6, 2008- I have been thinking about probably the most valuable
commodity in the world lately. Oh, I know most would say people are the
most valuable, but this is something that is the most valuable to people.
It is time. Time is something that we all take "for granted". To avoid sounding
nostalgic, or to sound nostalgic while not meaning to(I don't like nostalgic). One day we are all going to wake up and only have pictures to remind us of "the magic moments". Ok, I failed on not sounding, anyway! So, the thing I vow to try and do is to live this life with the most recorded" magic moments" possible.
I was reading James chapter 4 and this whole thing about time just got under my skin and I came up with a list of things to help make the most of this sand in our hourglass called life.
1. Spend time with God- The only way to make the most of our time is to give God His. Our daily time with God will expand our capacity to levels unthinkable. Time is a gift from God and if I've learned nothing else, I've learned to give God His first.
2. Manage time wisely- Each day we have a chance to live a John 10:10 life. The time we are given should be to make the most of our life. My time should be something that is constantly giving glory to the Lord. I know that sounds super- spiritual, but if we look at the life we are supposed to pattern ours after, we see that Jesus made the most of every second.
3. Be thoughtful- Life is not something to be spent dealing with guilt and regret. Think things through especially when dealing with others. Just thinking before we react will maximize our time tremendously.
4. Be a little crazy- To live life and be able to say you made the most of it,risks are going to have to be taken. The only thing about this is, the level of responsibility for taking them. The upside is that nothing is more rewarding than a successful risk venture.
5. Make an impact- Jesus gave us prime examples of how to live. Basically he changed things. My prayer is that in every situation I'm in that I'm able to change things. It might only be a small impact in most situations but it is an impact. Don't be scared to shake things up when they need it. Jesus in us will make the impact, and that will maximize our time.

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