Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Alexander solution

May 13, 2009- Sometimes in life we are faced with things that seem too tough to accomplish. This, I have to admit, happened to me this past week. We are doing a MAJOR EXTREME CHURCH MAKEOVER, and I have really been overwhelmed with doing this in the frame of one week. But, I saw a great example of how to handle this.
The example happened around 333 AD. There was a country in the area of Asia Minor, ran by king Gordius. Gordius, was a poor farmer, who became king because he fulfilled a prophecy by driving a wagon into town(some way to become king, huh?)Anyway, he made a shrine with the knot that he hitched his cart with. This knot became famous. It was known as the
Gordian Knot, and it was said that whoever untied the knot would be the king of Asia. In 333 AD, Alexander the Great came into town, and when faced with the challenge, he simply pulled out his sword and cut the knot in half. His tactic was honored and he became king.
You see, he didn't face the challenge through normal perspective, he changed the rules. And sometimes that is what we need to do. Things might seem impossible, but by changing the rules a little, the whole game changes, and the impossible becomes possible.

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