Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Response- ability

January 28, 2009- This is like, the tenth day of our 21 day fast here at Victory and it is really amazing. When I started on this journey, I did what every good Christian does. I made a list. I listed all the things I was believing God for and all the circumstances in my life that I needed God to change for me. I'm just being honest. That's what I did. But God really spoke to my heart that I had part of that messed up. He's been really dealing with me in the area of ME.

I'm always praying for God to change a situation, or to change the way a person acts, or how they treat me. But how can I grow in that? I can't become the person God wants me to be if the road is soft and fluffy! The simple fact is this; God is trying to change something in ME, not my surroundings. I have the ultimate choice in my response to a given situation. That's what God is doing in my life on this fast. And if we want to really be overcomers in the world, we should welcome it. When situations arise and we are tempted to pray, "get em God", let's pray, " God show me what needs to change in me, so that I can effectively deal with it the next time around".

My prayer is that God increase our response-ability.

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