Monday, January 19, 2009

21 days of Action

January 19, 2009- The year started great. I made commitments to change certain things in my life, and then I began to think. It is very hard for a person in everyday life to manifest a thought. What I mean is, we think good things. We have good intentions. Our motives are even pure(sometimes). The problem is, we don't follow through. We don't bring our thoughts to a physical manifestation. Why? Our decisions take action, and often we don't have the strength or the will to walk out our decisions. That's where God comes in. We can't do it, but He can.

So the thing to do is get as close to God as possible. The catalyst for this in our church is the 21 day Daniel Fast. We are believing that God will give us the power to put into action those decisions. So, over the next 21 days I will be commenting on the fast and on the things God places on my heart. I'm really excited that God is going to mess me up over the next 21 days and then gather up all the pieces and put them back together where they should be.

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