Friday, November 25, 2011

Grace covers our finances...

Friday November 25, 2011- I've been doing some research on the economy of our country and it is really easy to get bummed out if we forget that we are CHILDREN OF GRACE. The world economy has been in real turmoil lately. The stock markets are swinging up and down. Housing markets are a mess. Currencies are crumbling. Unemployment is rampant. And none of this likely to stabilize any time soon. While this can be a bit harrowing to watch, it is key for every Christian to remember that we have a source much more stable, reliable and abundant than the world economy. We are plugged into the Kingdom Economy! The economy of heaven is an economy of plenty, of exceeding abundance. It never knows lack. It never experiences recessions or depressions. It is an economy based on God’s promise that He will meet all of our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). All the silver and all the gold are the Lord’s. The cattle on a thousand hills belong to our Father (Psalm 50:10). And He promises that all that He has is ours as His children (Luke 15:31).

While the world economy is being shaken, Christians have nothing to fear — if they know how to plug into the economy of heaven. In Jeremiah 29:11 God announces that His desire is to prosper us. In Deuteronomy 8:18 He declares that He has given us the ability to make wealth. The way He does this is to teach us key kingdom principles that will allow us to plug into His economy of abundance no matter what is going on in the world. We see Him do this for His people all through the Bible. Isaac prospered in a time of lack. Abraham knew abundance in every land (and economy) he went into. Joseph received strategies from God on how to see a whole nation thrive in the midst of a time of terrible famine. The Lord is no respecter of persons, what He makes available for one He makes available for all! We just need to know His principles and promises so that we can plug into the economy of His Kingdom.
Our God is a God without limit. In Him there is an abundance of provision and blessing that we have not even begun to tap into. So I encourage you not to look at the situation going on in our countries economy, and dig in to God's kingdom principles.

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