Wednesday, November 19, 2008


November 19, 2008- Tonight we are doing something different in Starting Point. We needed a break from the norm and are trying to spend some quality time with each other and recognizing the season of Thanksgiving. In preparing for the night I was reading a portion of scripture out of Acts. Acts 2 talks about the day of Pentecost. All the people were in ONE accord. Do you know what that means exactly? It means they were in ONE place at ONE time, waiting on ONE thing to happen. Every ONE of them was waiting on the the same ONE thing... So we are following up on a leadership blog that I saw on the topic of ONE. Here are some of the thoughts of the exercise...

  • Take ONE minute and consider ONE thing you are truly thankful for...

  • Take ONE minute and think of ONE person you really appreciate and tell them...

  • Take ONE minute and think of ONE thing about yourself that you would like to improve, and devise a plan to make that happen.

  • Take ONE minute to reflect on ONE thing you are talented at and sharpen that skill. Thank God for that talent and ask Him to stretch you capacity to improve it.

Anyway, ONE effort could potentially change your life, family, etc.

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