Friday, December 17, 2010

Ambassador: Being In Church vs. In Christ

Friday December 17, 2010- Now, you can be “in church” and not be a new person. When a person is in Christ, you are changed. It is possible to be “in Church” but not in Christ. Not once in the whole Bible does it talk about the importance of being “in Church.” Not once. The primary religious experience is always to be in Christ. I know all kinds of people who are “in Church” and still are very self centered; who are in church and still are impressed with certain kinds of people; who are in church and they still really delight in the sins of others. But when you are in Christ, this is not true of you. The power of life is found in being in Christ, not “in church,” and you and I need to understand that. When a person is in Christ, he or she is a new person. This is the primary message of the Christian faith.

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