Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thin Places

Tuesday August 31, 2010- Today was an interesting day in our weekly staff meeting. Out discussion drifted to what Celtic Christians refer to as, "thin places". First let me say that the thin places referred to are places where God(heaven, divinity)seem to touch earth. We began our discussion talking about Moses's experience at the burning bush. That had to be a place that was seared into his brain forever more. Just think back to the first real experience you had with God. It's pretty memorable, isn't it? This prompted us to think back on our personal thin places. The places where we have had undeniable touches from God. I've had thin places in church, walking in the woods, and even driving down the highway(it's much safer than texting). But the cool thing is that these thin places are real. We know this because God is sovereign and He's omnipresent(He's everywhere)but these places aren't definable because of God's location as much as by our awareness of His presence. Therefore, we are more sensitive of Him and these places become Holy. So where are your thin places? Think about it. And if you are feeling separated or distant from God right now, maybe all you need to do is, go back to your thin place and spend some time in God's presence.

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