January 20, 2011- Wow. The new year has taken off with such speed that I haven't really had the chance to post anything(I know that's a poor excuse, but it's the only one I have). With that said, I have heard alot of doom and gloom about judgment and things continuing to get worse with our economy and with the nation in general. You've heard the same if you listen to the so-called future thinkers or "prophetic" voices in christian circles. I don't know where you stand on all this but I know one thing. Everyone wants a word form God. We have such a tremendous hunger for "a word". It blows my mind that people travel all over the country to hear something from "a prophet" or someone that claims to have prophetic insight, get this, not for their lives, but for mine! That kills me. Here's my stance. If you are a child of God, He has a word for you. It's in His WORD(the Bible). Get into God's Word in 2011. If you are looking for a Word in 2011, I suggest 3 things...
1. Fasting- The beginning of this year is a perfect time to go on a fast. When we deny the flesh and gratify the Spirit, we will grow in the Spirit. Is.58 is a great place to study what fasting is and isn't.
2. Prayer- Fasting is just dieting without prayer. Set aside some personal time for prayer. Get alone and talk to God just like you would your best friend. John 10 say,"My sheep know my voice". If you need a word from God, prayer is a great start for the conversation.
3. Study God's Word- The greatest tool in hearing from God is His Word. I believe God speaks in many ways, but the easiest way to hear form Him is reading His Word.
If any of this has pricked your interest, here is a link to our church website with some info on the "Daniel Fast". Hope this helps. Enjoy!
"21 Days of Fasting"
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