Friday, October 16, 2009

Just do it!

October 16, 2009- What is it that you are attempting today? Has God placed a vision inside you that seems too big to accomplish? That is perfect! If it seems too big for you, then it is probably His purpose. The thing is, we are so easily discouraged when things don't pan out to our blueprint of it. We think we see how it could work and we try. But I think we miss an important principle when that happens. When it comes to doing what God places on our hearts, there is only one way to do it, and try is NOT in the equation. One of the wisest lines I ever heard came from the movie, "The Empire Strikes Back". And the famous quote came from no other than, Yep, Yoda! Here it is. "Do or Do not, there is no try". Awesome! When God gives you a vision, no matter how big it is, Do it or don't do it, but there is no try. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Mom said...

That is great - I will change the way I say things and take try out of my vocabulary.