January 6, 2008- I'm really being dealt with on the subject of prayer. As followers of the Lord we have so many questions about praying, when it's pretty simple really. Jesus gave us a format when asked how we should pray. It can be found in Matt. 6 & Lk.11. The thing is that when we pray, we talk to God about our life with about as much passion as we do when we order take out.
That's the thing that has been bothering me. "Um, God, could you fix my financial problems, make my wife and kids listen to me, and develop me into a super hero but hold off on requiring me to work for any of it. And you know God, just make me responsible. That's it. Now when can you have that ready"? God must really have a sense of humor, to not zap us right then and there.
Matt. 6:10" Thy kingdom come, thy will be done". We are asking God to bring His establishment, and to walk into our lives with it. His kingdom is one of complete perfection. In order for His perfect kingdom to come into our life, we can't think that we call any of the shots. God does. His kingdom is all powerful. When His kingdom comes, He takes over to rule. The tough part is that if we try to hold on to all those old dear ways, we find ourselves in rebellion to the new King. But the great thing is that He works all things out in His kingdom. Also if anything comes against it, He is on the front line. We know that He will even lay down His life for the citizens. What a great King!!
1 comment:
Hey Scott, I'm loving this! Thanks for sharing your insights.
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